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Congratulations - YOU made it happen!
We are so blessed to have such amazing, compassionate, and generous friends, like YOU, associated with the Homes of Charity. Because of YOU, the Capital Campaign surpassed its goal $12 million. What a tremendous achievement! And our hearts are deeply grateful.
Tom Paonessa, a faithful donor, was asked why he supported the Capital Campaign. Tom, a retired dentist, said, “I have so much to be thankful for. You see, I was adopted from the Infant Home by wonderful, loving parents when I was nine months of age.” “I could not have asked for a better family.” He went on to say, “I’m a product of Father Baker’s and I can’t be more proud of it.” Because of Tom’s roots, Our Lady of Victory holds a significant place in his heart.
Tom felt good about supporting the Capital Campaign because OLV is an organization that gives loving care to all. He wants to be a part of helping others in need of love and healing and to be able to give them the same opportunity he had! He said, “I will continue to support OLV and hope others do as well. I encourage others to look at the breadth and depth of this organization and then ask them to open their hearts to those in need.”
The cherished relationship with Tom and donors, like you, is a priceless gift! It’s only because of your great generosity and support that the Capital Campaign was so successful. Because of you, the legacy of Father Baker will continue into the future…and for that our hearts will forever be grateful!